at least I fall alone

Vampire blog, run by a fully-fledged (since birth) vampire, and her friend, who just might be having an awakening. She thinks.

such disdain
CS Otherkin

Let's Compare Meyer-Pires and Real Vampires

Just for fun... Because loads of people have been asking me about vampirism, and whether I can get changed or not. I do think I'm having an awakening (it's all Hili's fault >>). People seem to think that being a vampire is great fun and glamorous. It's not. Let's compare the Meyer-Pire vampires with real vampires.

1. Meyer-Pire vampires can go out in the day without any side effects beside sparkling.
Look, people. VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE. If they did, every so often you'd see a sparkly girl or boy, because there seem to be a lot of them around.

2. Meyer-Pire vampires are pretty, intelligent, live forever, and are fast and strong.
Some vampires are pretty, and some are intelligent, but this isn't a trait that is a given. Nobody lives forever, and vampires have basically the same metabolism and immune systems, as well as the same bodies as normal humans, so they live as long as everyone else lives. I'm not even sure why vampires in the Twilight "saga" ARE fast and strong, it's probably to catch prey but I don't think it was terribly clear. There's no point in an evolutionary standpoint.

3. Meyer-Pire vampires can be made by having one vampire bite a human.
I think if enough blood is exchanged, then a vampire can create another out of a human, but this isn't something anyone's willing to try, as this would normally end up killing the human. Proper vampires are born or have some latent vampiric nature before an 'awakening', they are rarely made.

4. Meyer-Pire vampires are pale and cold.
I think it was to liken them to a corpse, because in the book series they stress how one must die before being reborn as a vampire. As real vampires are very much alive, the only reasons for pale-ness would be that vampires often stay out of the sun, so they don't get tanned. After an awakening, you might find that your skin colour becomes paler as your skin replaces itself and any tan you had wears off. Cold skin, again, is because there's no blood flowing in M-P vampire veins. There is in real vampires, though their body temperatures might be a bit colder, BECAUSE THEY STAY IN THE SHADE.

5. Meyer-Pire vampires have excellent senses, and any strong traits they had in their human life are passed along.
Senses are slightly better in vampires, but not so that they can hear/smell people from miles away. Just across the room. The thing about real vampires is that there's no *poof* moment, so that there's no TIME for them to get prettier/stronger/or develop any traits. Some vampires claim to have supernatural powers, but either they are lying or they are hybrids. This is not inborn in solely vampiric people.


Hili's Vampire-Debunking

This is Hili here with a vampire-debunking-quiz-checking type thing for you... Rose, go in and edit this with your responses as well.

Do you have unusually white skin? If yes then cook up one or two (depending on size) medium rare steaks (the best way to do this) if by the time your done enjoying the second one you have a new pinkish color throughout your body that you haven’t had in awhile, read no farther you are a real vampire. (Humans can’t digest blood let alone get color from it, real vampires do.)
Hili's Thoughts: Firstly, this is complete and utter wacko nonsense. The thing is, not all vampires are pale, due to pale skin only being available with certain races. So if you're african or darker asian, this won't work. I think this'd probably work for some pale-skinned vampires, but you'd have to be naturally pale. I'm african so I've no idea about this one.

Have you been told by professionals that you're lucky that you survived a few things that you survived with pretty much just a scratch or a cut?
Hili's Thoughts: Ah, the Meyer-Pire syndrome. Look, chums, that's known as Luck, or as a Thick Skin. Vampires can get cut just as much as normal people, though we normally manage to avoid it.

As a kid, were you the strongest, smartest, or quickest kid in the class, and around 16 years of age maybe all 3?
One word: no. Real vampires are not glamorous. Real vampires pay bills. Real vampires have real lives with no real advantages. End of story.

Did your dad disappear from your life while you were at a young age? (note 52% of vampires out of a large range of vampires have said yes to this, that includes people who believe they are real vampires however may not really be one.)
I'd have to say that around 30% of all people, vampiric or not, would say yes. So again, totally useless question.

Do people often tell you that you look very young for your age, or that they would have never guessed how old you are?
Ah, this one IS valid. Vampires have to get blood from people somehow, no? Most humans are drawn to babies and children because they are cute and harmless, so vampires often look young for their age. We aren't terribly pretty but it works.

Are you extremely energetic at night time but seemingly around the time the sun comes up you get really tired?
If anyone stayed up all night they'd be pretty damn tired at sunrise.

Are you a slightly quicker healer than most, if not a much quicker healer?
This is known as a good immune system, and as I know it is not a definitive side effect of vampirism.

Do you tend to switch between very social and antisocial frequently?
Most people do, but this is regards to attitude mostly. Simply put, when someone is hungry for blood, they'll have the urge to bite people, and so will (if they have any sense) stay away from people. Some outsiders might view this as antisocial.

Do you rarely get sick, or when you get sick does your body recover quicker than most people?
Isn't this a repeated question...? Again, it's known as a good immune system.

Are your six senses more enhanced than most other peoples, i.e. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and intuition?
This is known as paranormal, and as a skeptical person I don't believe in such things. I view my vampirism as a kind of blood addiction, and so while some people might claim to get such benefits, I have none.

Do you have extremely good vision in the dark? How many times has some one said it’s too dark they can’t see while you were doing something like reading?
Night vision is something that is impossible for humans to have, due to the eye structure.

Do you tend to react to things like catching a falling object or other normally unexpected things at an almost psychic speed? (As if you were expecting it to happen)?
Meyer-pire syndrome again.

Do you tend to get a high from human blood? When drinking someone’s blood do you tend to find yourself being able to do something that they could do (that you couldn't do) about 2 weeks after drinking it?
You can't get abilities from human blood.... Highs occur after feeding on everything, from hamburgers to blood.

Are you sensitive to light or the heat from it (ranging from getting a bad headache from the glare to burning very easily)?
This one is valid, actually.

If while your skin is white from lack of enough blood in you, do you bleed quite noticeably less than a person normally should, or more likely not bleed at all?
We aren't DEAD. WE CAN BLEED. For god's sake I wish people'd stop cutting me to see what happens X(. There's no way that blood can go directly to the veins or absorb like that, because most vampires can eat regular food aswell. Therefore it'd follow that a vampire who can directly absorb blood would have little food clots in their veins. Wrong.

Are your nails clear like glass, yet very strong?
Carotene = Clear and strong.

A legitimate Vampire is able to safely digest more than 600% of the daily recommended amount of iron (RDA is 18mg 600% of that is 108mg). This can be tested by use of iron pills bought at almost any nutrition store or grocery store.
(always read the warnings on this site).
Overdosing iron can cause serious problems for most people. The only plausible way for this to happen would be if the vampire hadn't fed for ages and had an iron deficiency.

How often do you look at the person that almost bumped (or bumped) into you and think "you idiot, or people are so stupid" because they didn't know that you were only a couple feet away from them, because you always know when someone is that close to you? (Which when you think about it, you only know because you can sense when someone is that close to you).
This is valid.

Do you always feel a strong urge to travel?
Globe-trotting vampires... interesting. Nonsense.

How often does something smell so strong that you can literally taste it, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing? (little note when most people say it smells so strong that they can taste it, only say it as a figure of speech. and the people that agree with you when you say it rarely can taste it, think I'm wrong. Ask them yourself).
Taste and smell are very inter-related. This is valid.

Can you hear a whisper from across a room?
This is valid because most people whisper rather loudly these days.

Is there a dark colored ring around the iris (color part) of your eyes? All real vampires have this, however not everyone that has it is a real vampire.
Most people have this, but yes, it helps in identifying a vampire.

Is there a noticeably different color surrounding the pupil? (Inner part of the color of your eyes.)
Again, most people have this. For brown/black/grey eyed people, it might be hard to tell.

Do you have a predator instinct that is so strong that, it makes most people seem to act more like herbivores than the omnivores that they consider themselves to be?
-sigh- PREDATOR INSTINCT? A strong predator instinct, particularly for someone who drinks human blood, would be pretty fatal. I'll do more on this later.

Does sunlight/bright light in general hurt your eyes and head, most cases to the point of a migraine? (But you can still go out in it).
Sunlight, or light in general, does. not. kill. us. It hurts, and I believe that we're more susceptible to sunburns, but this might be just me. I personally only get hurt and get headaches from sunlight, and not electrical lights.

Do electrical appliances generally tend to hate you?
(Watches mess up often, computers malfunction for no reason, etc).
What does this have to do with vampires....? No, they do not, unless you're an over 50 year old vampire, in which case they probably will, because you might have pressed the power button by accident. Check.

Do people often find you very empathetic to how they feel?
Meyer-pire syndrome... again. It is VERY easy to tell what people are thinking/feeling. Just actually take the time to look at them and read their facial expressions. Simple.

Do people usually either trust you completely or not trust you at all?
I've always found that people trust me absolutely... until I smile. It's the teeth. They aren't pointed, I just find it impossible to smile in a friendly way.

When you will things to happen, do they usually happen?
Paranormal again. This is related to a totally different subject altogether, it's not a side effect of vampirism at all. Rose might be able to comment on this.

Does your mood have an obvious effect on the mood of others around you? Only count this if it happens to the people that can’t see you. (Especially on babies and animals like cats).
Yes. This is valid.

I'll come up with a proper set of questions now, because we need to fill this blog out.

Love <3 Hilary Leigh.